at least R is responsibly doing all that parenthood entails. I'm currently enjoying my absenteeism from my son's life and have to deal with sleepless night(s?) and diaper changes only on the weekends that I visit. I get this feeling often that my son is being spoilt rotten by his mother and grandparents - I'm the only one who can bring about some discipline to that boy's life - I have to be strict with him whenever i visit to see him.
Now now... did i forget to make the announcement? YESSSSSS... R and I had a baby boy on Jan 19th. Adiv George Koshie - the cutest adorable little one, and, it was one heck of an experience. Given all the nail-biting experiences leading to the delivery and the number of times I had to travel back and forth from Hyderabad to Chennai (I almost made it to Silver status on Jet Airways :-) ), it was all totally worth it as I held the little one in my hands, when the doc handed him to me as soon as she'd pulled him out - I got to cut the umbilical cord (though i wished they hadn't asked me to do it so soon but rather waited a couple of minutes before clamping it down...), R has a better story to tell about what happened when she spoke to him at that moment, so I'll leave it to her.
So there we were that night, two people, who've just been given the status of parents and are expected to take care of a new born...
That first night is quite memorable - I always thought changing a diaper was very easy, coz most people i've seen seem to do it so quickly and easily.... but that night when he pooped for the first time, (i was just checkin to see if that was why he was crying) it was so messy, I had no idea where to begin - it was 2 am, and I had to call the nurse on duty so that she could show me how it was done... that one time was all that I needed... i was the excited diaper changing dad - everytime he'd poop or pee I'd run to clean him up -
The other interesting thing that happened that night was after we'd changed him etc., I needed a break, so i went to take a walk - and when i return about 15 minutes later - I have the biggest problem on my hands - my son was wailing - and so was R (coz she didn't know what to do and couldn't bear to see him cry) - I had absolutely no idea who needed attention first - torn between the two - i quickly figured, that if the son calms down, the mother might too - and this is a lesson for all u new fathers-to-be: if u're left alone the first night that u're parents - be prepared for two faucets to turn on at the same time :-)
now its almost 7 weeks and i think we're living up to the challenge of being responsible parents - R spoils Adiv rotten all week, and on the weekend i get there and pamper him some more :-) ... I can't help it if he wants to have these long conversations with me - he talks about the trunk on the loft in the bedroom that he inherited from his grandma (she gave it to him coz he was always starting at it and he's thrilled about it - though i'm not lugging it to bangalore now - he can go collect it when he's old enough to drive), the paintings on the wall in the living room, the shadows that the incandescent lamp casts when all the other lights are turned off, the fans... he just has so much to talk about and the weekend is barely enough to get through it all.
now its almost 7 weeks and i think we're living up to the challenge of being responsible parents - R spoils Adiv rotten all week, and on the weekend i get there and pamper him some more :-) ... I can't help it if he wants to have these long conversations with me - he talks about the trunk on the loft in the bedroom that he inherited from his grandma (she gave it to him coz he was always starting at it and he's thrilled about it - though i'm not lugging it to bangalore now - he can go collect it when he's old enough to drive), the paintings on the wall in the living room, the shadows that the incandescent lamp casts when all the other lights are turned off, the fans... he just has so much to talk about and the weekend is barely enough to get through it all.
Alright, I guess I shouldn't be gushing so much - but the little one already knows how he can wrap me around his little finger - check out the pic below
until i find the time to blog again - please pray that R gets a few hours of sleep every night and that I don't have to stay up at night on the weekend that I'm there ;-)
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