Made from material that was originally intended for the altar in a church, Adiv's christening gown had a special story to tell. After Ro's birth two women came to see the baby. They had a present for him; material that his grandmother used to make him his christening gown. After she'd begun, the women returned apologizing for a mistake they had made. They'd given baby Ro the wrong present. The material they'd given him was intended for the church. By then it was too late! The material was already being stitched into a beautiful gown that Ro and Adiv would wear.
The service was small and sweet, and Adiv didn't bawl as expected. When the pastor wet his hair with blessed water, he merely smiled. Eventually he fell asleep, waking up only for a feed.

What followed, was breakfast. While the grownups ate, Adiv lapped up all the attention that came his way.

Adiv with two of his God parents (Onke Ash couldn't make it, so he is God father by proxy!)

Adiv with his cousins
It was his day, and he was having fun. The breakfast ended with him falling asleep, tired!

Love the smiles =) Yes, how lovely if the boys could meet! Jaden has no friends yet, am only now starting to get confident enough to take him out for longer stretches of time. Must join a playgroup!
In one of the pix, Rohit and Adiv look like they have the exact same expression on their faces =))
You are a very beautiful family! I love the baptism gown - my children wore one very much like it!
Thank you Jewels:)Was the gown your children wore handed down as well?
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