After dragging myself out of bed at 5.30, I hoped I'd enjoy the trip to Oxford and Stratford upon Avon. We changed two trains, before getting to the tour operator's office with a coffee and sandwich. The guide, a short and stocky, pot-bellied individual with heavy set features then guided us into the bus. Aware and articulate, he came armed with a sense of humor, thereby making the journey towards Oxford entertaining.
Along the way, we got numerous anecdotes from the past, and background information on the sights we passed. An hour and a half later, our bus was snaking its way into Oxford, home to students and academicians from allover.

J (the guide) explained that Oxford university wasn't one institute, but a collection of colleges in the area. What started as pubs, where students got together to drink, eat, and learn, slowly became centers of learning, and eventually the Oxford University. Our destination here was Christ Church, a college that boasts of huge magnificent buildings with intricate architectural designs!

Here we learned that though Henry VIII hadn't founded this college, he had closed it down and opened it up again (as he did with many buildings in London), so it would be known as a college founded by him. Quite the pompous king!

In addition to finding out that Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland) taught mathematics here, I also discovered that the Harry Potter films were shot at Christ Church. Remember this dining hall? (Currently it's being renovated).

From Christ Church, we wandered into the streets, where we saw more exquisite architecture. First came the university church which was once a legal court.

This is a scientific library started by Radcliff.

This is a small bridge that connects two colleges.
Then it was to the main road, where we found numerous shops and eateries. The oldest book store...

and an Oxford store for memorabilia (that is unbelievably expensive). Some of the tees here cost 22 pounds.

Our trip to Oxford ended at the center where criminals were once burnt to death, after being condemned in court...
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